Company documents

For ethical operations and the utmost transparency in preventing bribery.

Welcome to the transparency and compliance section of COGET Impianti S.r.l., a Salcef Group company. Here you will find the documents that demonstrate our commitment to ethics, corporate responsibility and the prevention of bribery.

Our corporate polices, focused on sustainable, inclusive development, are based on a responsible approach which respects human and employment rights, safeguards the environment and fights bribery. We adopt a culture that places a high value on quality, environmental protection, safety, asset management and social responsibility, actively promoting inclusion and the prevention of bribery at all levels of our organisation.

At COGET Impianti we firmly believe that dialogue and engagement are essential for achieving a sustainable future. Consult the documents available in this section to learn more about our commitment.

Code of Ethics and Conduct

Our Code defines the principles and values that guide our operations and the behaviour we expect from employees, customers, vendors and other stakeholders. As a Salcef Group company, COGET Impianti adheres completely to the principles set out in the Group’s Code of Ethics and Conduct and therefore applies its contents in full.

Model 231

The COGET Impianti Organisation, Management and Control Model (Governance Model), issued in compliance with Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001, comprises a General Part and Special Parts. The Special Parts are for the company’s internal use.

Integrated Policy

The integrated policy sets out COGET Impianti’s commitment to guaranteeing high quality standards in all aspects of operations, by promoting environmental protection, occupational health and safety, energy management and the prevention of bribery in all its activities.

Human Rights Policy

COGET Impianti is firmly committed to promoting and safeguarding human rights, both within the organisation and in relations with its external stakeholders.

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Policy

COGET Impianti is committed to creating an inclusive working environment founded on respect, which values diversity and promotes equality in all its forms.

Asset Management Policy

COGET Impianti aims to maximise value by adopting efficient, sustainable practices and ensuring responsible management of corporate resources.